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Company address: Gresham House, Albaston, Cornwall PL18 9AB, England

Venetian Interludes (2009)

venetian interludes photo

helen porter in venice

Palazzo Capello in Venice, on which Henry James
based his novella 'The Aspern Papers

Composer Helen Porter in the gardens
of the Palazzo Capello

The Venetian Interludes were composed by Helen Porter as interludes for an opera based on Henry James' novella 'The Aspern Papers.' The opera was partly developed and workshopped in collaboration with ROH2.

The Venetian Interludes, forming the central structure of the work, were completed in 2008 and first performed by Sarum Orchestra in January 2009.

Click here for redirection to Helen Porter's website, where you can listen to an excerpt of the Air Interlude.





The composition of the Venetian Interludes was supported with a Finzi Trust Scholarship.

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